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精通版五年级英语上册《Where do you work?》PPT课件下载,共16页。Can you guess? What's her job?She works in a school.Hello! I'm Lisa.I 'm very proud(骄傲) of my job. Because I will tell(告诉) you what is right(正确的) and what is wrong(错误的). Sometimes I'm very strict(严格的). I like working with my students.What's his job?He works at home.Hello! I'm Tom.I like reading and writing.I'm good at (擅长) writing books. I often writes good stories(故事).Let's chant!Where does your father work?He works in a hospital.Where does your mother work?She works in a shopping mall.Where does your mother work?She works at CCTV.Language UseNow suppose (假设) you and your friend were met(遇见)in a shop, and happened to (恰巧) meet your uncle or aunt. And then you and your friend made a conversation (展开了对话)about his or her job.So now you make a dialogue about it with your partners.... ... ...关键词:《Where do you work?》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式; 本作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容,源文件无水印。如认为该内容涉嫌侵权,可通过邮件提出书面通知,我们将及时处理。

