人教版高中英语必修一《Sports and Fitness》PPT课件(第2课时),共50页。Learning objectivesIn this class, you willcollect information about the positive changes of Kayla;list the words and phrases that show similarities and differences;write a short paragraph to describe and explain your positive changes.Write down the main idea of each paragraph.Para. 1What Kayla thought and did in the past.Para. 2What Kayla thinks and does at present.Para. 3The result of her changes.Read the text and answer the questions.What problem did Kayla have in the past?What does the sentence “I almost went bananas” mean?What made her change her thinking?Write a short paragraph.Start with a general statement about the topic and your situation.Tell the reader about how and why you changed or want to change.Describe the changes and compare the (possible) results.Tell the reader how the changes have improved or will improve your life.... ... ...关键词:Sports and Fitness PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式; 本作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容,源文件无水印。如认为该内容涉嫌侵权,可通过邮件提出书面通知,我们将及时处理。