首页 > 在线课程 > 外语学习 >  语言学导论
1.1 Syllabus 1.2 Language 1.3 Functions of language 1.4 Linguistics 2.1 The organs of speech 2.2 English vowels: sub-classification 2.3 English consonants: sub-classification 2.4 Phone, phoneme and allophone 2.5 Suprasegmental features 3.1 Morphology and Morpheme 3.2 Classifications of Morphemes 3.3 Word-formation Ⅰ 3.4 Word-formation Ⅱ 3.5 Word-formation Ⅲ 4.1 Infinite Uses of Finite Means 4.2 Structure-building: Phrases 4.3 Structure-building: Sentences 4.4 Movement 4.5 Functional grammar 5.1 An Overview of Semantics 5.2 Lexical field 5.3 Semantic relations between words 5.4 Semantic relations between sentences 5.5 Semantic change 6.1 Semantics vs. Pragmatics 6.2 Deixis 6.3 Presupposition 6.4 Speech Acts 6.5 Conversational implicatures 7.1 An overview of discourse analysis 7.2 Types of discourse 7.3 Information structure 7.4 Cohesion and coherence 7.5 Discourse markers 8.1 Standard language and dialect 8.2 Sociolect 8.3 Language and gender 8.4 Register 8.5 Bilingualism and multilingualism 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Dimensions of variation 9.3 Stylistic codification 9.4 Linguistic approaches to stylisitc analysis 10.1 An overview of psycholinguistics 10.2 The Brain and Language 10.3 Language Production and Language Comprehension 10.4 Language Acquisition 10.5 Language and Thought 11.1 Categorization 11.2 Conceptual Metaphor 11.3 Conceptual metonymy 11.4 Image schema 11.5 Iconicity 12.1 What is applied linguistics? 12.2 Learner Factors 12.3 Learner language 12.4 Second Language Teaching 12.5 Language Testing

